Why I Decided to Study Software Engineering.

Alex Myles
2 min readNov 22, 2020

Ever since my brother introduced me to my first video game, I had an interest in coding (although I had no idea at the time). I was always curious as to how they could command these characters that I would play with what I wanted them to do. This interest grew as cell phones and social media became a much larger part of our everyday lives, how applications were made and put together. What really made these things happen? I would love to be able to create something like that myself, so I found myself interested in coding.

Going through high school, I was never sure about what I liked or what I wanted to do. After graduating, finding a job was never really about doing what you liked, just find a job to help pay the bills. After a few years of taking whatever job I could get and getting by, I grew tired of working in a warehouse and being physically exhausted every day of my life. I decided that I need something new and something I can find joy in.

I needed change.

I happened to come across information about Software Engineers and learning to code through a social media app. I had looked a bit more into it and found that I had always been interested but never knew what it was called or how to get into it. I found more information and tried to get my foot in the door by learning a little by myself, after a bit of time, I had decided that this is it. This is a change.

So to shorten that up:

Yes, I am doing it for the money… Only kidding (kind of). I want a career I can be proud of and want to show up for.

That is why I decided to study Software Engineering.

